What are platform integrations?
This feature allows institutions to connect their Mainstay data to a third-party platform, such as Slate. This enables a 2-way sync of contact record data, including default fields (name, phone, email, etc.) and custom fields created by the partner. To learn more, visit Platform Integrations.
Add an integration instance
- From the Browse Available page, click Learn More for the individual platform, in this case, Slate.
- In the Available Integrations section, there will generally be two options: an incoming integration that will send data from the external platform into Mainstay, and an outgoing integration that will send data from Mainstay to the external platform.
- Click the green Add New button to view a configuration modal for a new integration instance.
- Alternately, in the Configured section below, click the pencil icon on an existing integration instance to adjust its configuration.
Mainstay > Slate (V2)
- On Mainstay, click Download CSV Template to generate a CSV document listing all of your default fields (ex: first_name, last_name, phone, email) and custom fields (ex: CUSTOM_Application Status, CUSTOM_Class Year).
- In Slate, create a new Source Format.
- Upload this CSV.
- Map each of the Mainstay fields to the corresponding Slate fields, as desired. This ensures that when Slate receives a file, it is able to ingest the data correctly.
- In the Source Format, under the “Import Automation” tab, the Import Path/Mask may have to be added before the import will process the file automatically. This field tells Slate which files to process based on location (folder and file name). If using the default file names that look like “mainstay_contact2022-10-03T235350411Z.csv“, setting the Import Path/Mask to "mainstay*.csv" (with the asterisk as a wild card) should be sufficient to kick off the automation and pull only the Mainstay files.
Under the "Format Definition" tab, the following XML may need to be entered so that Slate knows to parse the file as a csv, with a header row, and double quotes around each element:
<layout b="," h="1" t=""" />
- Navigate to the Slate SFTP Access configuration. You will need this information for Step 6 below.
- Note that your Slate set-up might require you to specify Allowed Networks. All data exports for this integration should come from and/or
- Additionally, if you restrict access to specific folders, be sure to use a leading slash.
- On Mainstay, click Add New.
Within the Configuration Wizard, on the Instance Details screen, create a display name and description for this instance. This is what will appear in the list; these values are only used for internal display purposes.
- On the FTP Client Authentication screen, create a new authentication.
- Authentication name is for display purposes only.
- Make sure SFTP is selected (not FTP).
- Host can be found in your Slate instance.
- Username can be found in your Slate instance.
- Password can be found in your Slate instance.
- Private Key can be left blank.
- Passphrase can be left blank.
- Port can use the default value of 22.
- Cipher can use the default value of Default.
- Finally, Save your authentication.
- On the next screen, enter a File path for the desired location, or use the default value, /incoming. Then enter a File name prefix, or use the default value, Mainstay_Contacts.csv. A timestamp will be automatically inserted after the name and before the .csv ending.
- Then determine which contacts should be included in the file sent to Slate:
- Filter by channel:
- Optionally filter by field value (including null and not null):
- Filter by channel:
- On the Schedule screen, select one or more time slots for this recurring contact export by checking or unchecking the boxes. Note that all times are listed in Eastern Standard Time.
- Click Finish.
Slate > Mainstay
- On Mainstay, click Configure SFTP.
- If available, enter your SSH Public Key. Otherwise, leave this blank.
- Click Configure.
- Copy the Hostname, Username, Password, and Port. You are able to view this information again in the future by clicking Configure SFTP again.
Note: If an IP Address is needed instead, the Hostname resolves to a static IP of
- In Slate, use the Schedule Export tool. (See https://knowledge.technolutions.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033654991-Scheduling-Exports.)
- Use the Hostname, Username, Password, and Port above as the Connection for your recurring export. This should generally be in this format:
- sftp://username:password@hostname:port
- Use the default settings - Secure Transfer, Delimited, Comma, Include header row, Unicode, etc.
- Select the fields you would like to be exported to Mainstay.
- In the Requested Delivery section, select the times and days you would like that data to be exported to Mainstay.
- Use the Hostname, Username, Password, and Port above as the Connection for your recurring export. This should generally be in this format:
- On Mainstay, click Add New.
- Within the Configuration Wizard, on the Instance Details screen, create a display name and description for this instance. This is what will appear in the list; these values are only used for internal display purposes.
- On the Data Mapping screen, type the column headers as they will appear in your Slate export file. For example, the Slate id might be called "ref". For each column you would like to map, select the corresponding Mainstay field.
- Note that CRM ID (Slate id), First Name, Last Name, and Phone are all required fields.
- You may optionally include ID (Mainstay ID) as well - mapping to this field allows you to update existing CRM ID values. (See Creating Contacts.)
- If you use the Labels / Import Labels field, this expects a comma-separated list and will split that into an array of values.
- Optionally add one or more filters to determine which contacts should be ingested into Mainstay:
- Click Finish.
Enable/Disable or Delete an integration instance
- On the screen listing all instances for a specific platform, click the toggle to switch between enabled (to the right, with green showing) and disabled (to the left, with gray showing).
- Alternately, click the trashcan icon to remove this instance and configuration altogether.
View error logs
- In the side bar, click Sync Log, or visit https://app.mainstay.com/settings/sync-log.
This table presents a list of errors encountered while attempting to sync data between Mainstay and third-party platforms. Each log includes the following fields:
- timestamp
- id
- integration (ie, which platform)
- direction (incoming or outgoing)
- contact (a link to the Contact page of the affected individual)
- log message (ie, error code)
- If you encounter data validation errors while importing contact records, visit the Import Error Dictionary to better understand next steps.
- You can also download this data for a specific time range by clicking Download Logs in the top-right corner.
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