Forgot your password or need to update it? There are two ways available for you to change your password to the Mainstay platform.
Password Requirements
All passwords must meet the following requirements:
- Must be 8 - 64 characters
- Must include one number
- Must include one non-alphanumeric character (symbol)
- Must not contain "password"
Mainstay also uses industry-leading to ensure your password is not in the collection of most common leaked passwords on the internet.
Before logging in
If you are not logged in, go to and click “Forgot password?”. You will receive an email from with instructions to reset your password.
You should follow the link, type your new password, and click “Reset password”.
Or once you’ve logged in
If you’ve already logged in, you can change your password by going to the bottom-left corner and clicking the button with your initials. Select Account.
Once on your Account page, you can click Change Name to edit your first and last name:
You can click Change Password to update your password. Enter both your current and your new password (you'll have to do this twice), and then click Set to save.
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