A Campaign is a particular instance of sending a Script to one or more contacts (using an Import or Audience). In other words, a Script is a template message or conversation that could be used to communicate - but a Campaign is an instance of actually using it to communicate with someone.
Sending a Campaign
Use the New Campaign button to schedule a one-time or recurring campaign.
Campaign Reporting
The rest of this page shows Campaign reporting. Use the search bar to find a particular Campaign by name or description. Use the sidebar to filter this view:
- All: shows all Campaigns that have sent or will send
- Sent: shows Campaigns that have sent out already
- In Progress: shows Campaigns that are currently sending (and is otherwise not shown)
- Upcoming: shows Campaigns that are scheduled to send in the future, including the next send of any active Recurring Campaigns
- Introductory: shows automatic intro campaigns, such as for new web-chat contacts and open-bot SMS
- Recurring: shows only Recurring Campaigns - both past instances and the next future send
The sortable table shows high-level information for Campaigns:
- Campaign: the name and description of the campaign, as well as a special indicator for recurring campaigns.
- Type: Interactive for Scripts with Yes/No, Multi-Choice, or Open-text questions; Nudge for all others (see Scripts)
- For Campaigns that use Interactive Scripts, this also indicates the % engagement:
# contacts who responded to 1+ message / # contacts who were sent 1+ message
- Note that this includes invalid responses and opting out or #pausing during the Campaign.
- Sent: the number of contacts that Mainstay sent to or attempted to send to
- Note that this includes contacts Mainstay sent to, but who experienced phone carrier delivery issues.
- Last Sent: the date and time this Campaign was sent
- For a recurring Campaign, this will have the most recent timestamp.
- For an upcoming Campaign, this will appear in italics and show the future time when it is scheduled to send.
Note: prior to October 2022, Sent and Responded did not include people who Mainstay sent to but who later experienced delivery failures or opted out. This was corrected for all historical campaigns.
This table can also be filtered by "Last Sent" date:
Note: when filtering by "Last Sent" date, the Introductory section will be hidden.
Clicking into one of these Campaigns will take you to its Insights page. Visit Campaign Insights for more information about viewing or downloading those detailed results.
Introductory Aggregate Reports
Above the main sortable table, you may see one or more aggregate reports. These are Campaign-like reporting pages for Scripts that are configured to send automatically in specific circumstances. Visit Introductory Aggregate Reports for more information.
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