The Audience Manager displays a complete list of your organization's Audiences. An Audience is a filter - a set of rules that describes a group of contact records. For example, you could have an Audience of contacts who have opted-out, or an Audience of web-chat contacts who don't have a value set from your web-chat intro script yet.
An Audience is not its contacts. It's just the criteria that generates a dynamic list. So if you upload more contacts or edit your contact records, the actual members of an Audience will change. If you edit the Audience rules, then different contacts may qualify, and so the list of associated contacts could change then too.
This tool helps you manage all of your Audiences, see which contacts currently meet the Audience criteria, and view the Campaigns and personalized Knowledge Base responses that an Audience is attached to.
Viewing Audiences
The primary purpose of this tool is to view information of your Audiences. The table displays the following columns:
- Audience (Name): the display name of the Audience
- Size: the number of contact records who currently meet the Audience criteria
- Campaigns Sent: the number of campaigns sent (or scheduled to be sent) to this Audience
- Personalized Responses: the number of personalized responses, across your Knowledge Base, that are designated for this Audience
The table can be sorted on any of these columns. You can also search for a particular Audience by name.
Building a New Audience
To build a new Audience, click the Build New Audience button in the top-right corner. This will launch the Audience Builder modal.
When you have finished, you will be redirected to the Audience Details page for your newly created Audience. (See "Audience Details" below.)
You may also visit our support article, Creating/Editing Audience Segments, to learn more about building, creating, and editing audience segments!
Audience Actions
There are also several actions available from the listing page:
- Rename - Launch a small overlay to change the name of your Audience.
- Note that Audience names must be unique.
- Edit rules - Launch the Audience Builder, allowing you to change the criteria that defines this Audience.
- You can also see a Preview of which contact records meet your new criteria.
- Duplicate - Create a copy of this Audience, with a new name.
- Note that Audience names must be unique.
- The new Audience will have the same rules as the Audience it is copied from, but it will not have the same connections to Campaigns, personalized Knowledge Base responses, Email Escalations, etc.
- Archive Contacts - Set the "Permitted User" status of all Contacts who currently match this Audience criteria to false. This is equivalent to toggling on the "Archived" setting for each of these Contacts individually. (See Archiving Contacts.)
- Unarchive Contacts - Set the "Permitted User" status of all Contacts who currently match this Audience criteria to true. This is equivalent to toggling off the "Archived" setting for each of these Contacts individually. (See Archiving Contacts.)
- Delete Audience - Permanently remove this Audience from your organization. This does not remove the Contacts who meet this Audience criteria; this just removes this filter from your list.
- Note that it is not possible to delete an Audience that is currently being used for an upcoming Campaign, a personalized response in the Knowledge Base, or an Email Escalation rule.
- Note that it is not possible to delete an Audience that is currently being used for an upcoming Campaign, a personalized response in the Knowledge Base, or an Email Escalation rule.
- Download - Export a CSV file of the contact records who currently match this Audience criteria. This report will include default fields and custom fields. You can customize the report name and which columns are included:
Audience Details
Click a row from the listing page to open the Details page for that Audience. The Audience Details page has two tabs: Activity and Audience Contacts.
Note that you can also access the menu of Audience Actions from the top-right corner of this page.
The Activity screen shows the following information:
- Campaigns that have been sent to this Audience
- Campaign Name - the display name given to this Campaign
- Date Sent - the date the Campaign was sent or is currently scheduled to send
- Type - whether the campaign is Interactive or not (Nudge), ie, whether it includes any questions for recipients to answer
- Size - the number of recipients, which may differ from the current size of the Audience if the Audience has since been edited or you have added or edited contacts
- Engagement - for Interactive Campaigns, the percentage of recipients who responded to questions in the Campaign script
- Clicking on a campaign will open its Campaign report.
- Personalized responses configured for this Audience
- Summary question - the Knowledge Base topic and main question the AI would match to
- Personalized response - the response configured for this Audience
- Sent - the number of times that contacts (1) asked a question that the bot matched to this understanding and (2) met the Audience criteria, and therefore (3) were sent this response
- Clicking on a Personalized response will open that Knowledge Base understanding.
Audience Contacts
The Audience Contacts allows you to see the contacts who currently meet the Audience criteria. You can see when this cache was last updated in the top-right corner.
- This is updated automatically at midnight. (Set your organization's time zone.)
- This is also updated automatically whenever you import contact records, including via API, SFTP, or integrations.
- This is also updated automatically whenever you edit the Audience rules.
- You can also manually Refresh whenever necessary by clicking the Refresh button in the top-right corner.
This page has the same functionality as the Contacts tool, but only shows contacts within this particular Audience. For more information on searching and filtering this list, see Navigating the Contacts page. For more information on editing individual contact records in this list, see Contact Panel.
Note that if you use any bulk editing tools, such as Archive and Unarchive, the table below may not reflect your changes until you refresh the page.
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