Contact records are the core of the Mainstay platform. Each contact record represents a real-world learner who interacts with the Mainstay communication tools, such as receiving Campaigns, engaging in Live Chat, or asking questions that the AI matches to Knowledge Base understandings, via channels like SMS and web-chat. Generally, your contract with Mainstay includes terms about the number of contacts you can communicate with in a given period.
(Note that there is generally not a limit to the number of total contacts in your account; many partners have cohorts of archived contacts, allowing for comparisons of analytics across years and semesters.)
You can extend the Contact schema for your institution by creating Custom Contact Fields. These custom fields, your custom labels, and the default fields below can then be used to build rule-based Audiences. This data will also be included in Engagement Insights reports and Campaign reports.
Standard Fields
DATA TYPE | NOTES | IN Audiences? |
Mainstay ID | id admithub_id (deprecated) |
string |
unique, randomly generated identifier |
✓ |
Conversation URL | conversation_record_url | string (url) | generated from ID | |
CRM ID | crm_id | string | null | unique identifier for an external system | ✓ |
Enrollment ID | enrollment_id | string | null | optional identifier | ✓ |
First Name | first_name | string | null | up to 64 characters (legal first name) | ✓ |
Preferred Name | preferred_name | string | null |
up to 64 characters (see #changename) |
✓ |
Last Name | last_name | string | null | up to 64 characters (legal last name) | ✓ |
Country Calling Code | country_calling_code | string | null | ||
Phone | phone | string | null | unique; 10 digits, no other characters; required for SMS communications | ✓ |
Invalid Phone | invalid_phone | boolean | set automatically if we detect errors; reset on received message or cleared phone number (see Message Delivery Failures & Errors Codes) | |
Previous Phone | previous_phone | string | null | the last number before the current Phone | |
string | null | up to 320 characters, must match formatting | ✓ | ||
Channels | channels channel (deprecated) |
string, string, ... (SMS, Web, ...) | how this contact sends and receives messages | ✓ |
Messaging Status (SMS) |
messaging_status_sms can_text (deprecated) |
Opted In | Paused | Opted Out | see Opt-Out Commands | ✓ |
Messaging Status (Web) | messaging_status_web | Opted In | Paused | Opted Out | see Opt-Out Commands | ✓ |
Messaging Status (Slack) | messaging_status_slack | Opted In | Paused | Opted Out | see Opt-Out Commands | ✓ |
Contacted | contacted | boolean | set to true after first message sent | |
Delivery Failure Count | delivery_failure_count | integer | # messages sent that were not received | ✓ |
Import Labels | import_labels | string, string, ... | automatically added during CSV import | ✓ |
Labels | contact_labels | string, string, ... | custom labels | ✓ |
Language | language | string (ISO language codes) | see #language | ✓ |
Date Added (Timezone) | date_added created (deprecated) |
ISO date | date the record was made | ✓ |
Last Modified At (Timezone) | last_modified_at | ISO date | date the record was updated (default and custom fields) | |
Archived | archived permitted_user_status (deprecated) |
boolean | see archiving contacts | ✓ |
AI Disabled | n/a | boolean | see contact panel | |
Test User | test_user | boolean | see test users | ✓ |
Your Field (Custom) | custom.Your Field | (varies) | see contact fields manager | ✓ |
Last Message At (Timezone) | last_message_at | ISO date | null | more recent of incoming & outgoing | ✓ |
Last Message Body | last_message_body | string | null | more recent of incoming & outgoing | ✓ |
Last Incoming Message At (Timezone) | last_incoming_message_at | ISO date | null | date & time of the last message received from the contact | ✓ |
Last Incoming Message Body | last_incoming_message_body | string | null | text of the last message received from the contact | ✓ |
Last Outgoing Message At (Timezone) | last_outgoing_message_at | ISO date | null | date & time of the last message sent to the contact | ✓ |
Last Outgoing Message Body | last_outgoing_message_body | string | null | text of the last message sent to the contact | ✓ |
Received Script IDs | n/a | string, string, ... | list of IDs of the Scripts a contact has entered | ✓ |
Received Campaign IDs | n/a | string, string, ... | list of IDs of the Campaigns a contact has received | ✓ |
API & Integrations
If your institution is using the Mainstay API directly, these additional fields are now available.
If your institution is using Slate or other SFTP-based integrations, you can select new fields in the Data Mapping for inbound integrations. In outbound integrations, you can also upgrade to receive these standard fields using the following configuration option:
Deprecated Fields
If these fields are useful for your institution, use the Contact Field Manager to create them.
- Application Status
- Entry Term
- State
- City
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