The Contact Panel is the drawer the slides out from the right side of the screen when viewing an individual contact record on either the Contacts tool or the Conversations tool. To open the Contact panel, select an individual row from the table of contacts.
Viewing Contact Information
Contact records are defined by both standard fields and your institution's custom fields. The Contact panel provides several sections of information regarding the individual contact:
- header
- full name
- phone number
- email address
- indicators, if applicable
- TEST USER: indicates that the contact has the Test User flag set to true (See Adding Test Users.)
- ARCHIVED: indicates that the contact has been archived and can no longer receive messages
- Conversation Summary: an AI-generated summary of the contact's recent conversation, including a timestamp indicating when it was last generated. Click
- Labels: a list of contact labels applied to this contact (See Label Manager for details.)
- Notes: a list of editable notes, created within the platform
Default Contact Fields: all default fields, including:
AI Disabled: prevents the contact from receiving responses from the bot / Knowledge Base
- Note: the contact will still receive Campaigns, #Commands, and Live Chat messages
- Channels: list of communication channels (Webchat, SMS, etc.) with corresponding status (Opted In, Paused, Opted Out)
- Contacted: indicates if the contact received 1+ messages from Mainstay
- CRM ID: external unique identifier, used for matching in imports / API
- Date Added: date the contact was created
- Deliverability Failure Count: number of instances of messages failing to be delivered
- Enrollment ID: external identifier, not used for matching
- Invalid Phone: indicates if the phone number consistently causes delivery failures and is likely out of service or inaccurate
- Language: preferred language for message translation
Previous Phone: if the contact's phone was changed, this indicates their last phone
- Mainstay prevents setting the current Phone to the same value as Previous Phone in an import or through the API / integrations, but this can be done on the Contact panel.
- Test User: see test users
- Authentication: see authentication
AI Disabled: prevents the contact from receiving responses from the bot / Knowledge Base
- Custom Contact Fields: see Contact Fields Manager for information on creating and editing these fields
- Campaign Scripts: a list of campaigns that this contact has received (linking to those campaigns)
- Recent Import History: the IDs of CSV imports this contact was included in (linking to those import reports)
Editing Contact Information
Nearly all of the information on the contact panel is editable. Click the pencil icon in the top-right corner to switch to the edit view.
- header: edit the contact's First name, Preferred name, Last name, Phone, and Email.
- Note that phone must be a 10-digit number. Adding a phone to a web-chat contact transforms it into a multi-channel contact.
- Labels: add or remove labels on this contact by searching for existing labels
- Note that you can also create new labels here. (See Label Manager for details.)
- Status: view the contact's communication preferences for each channel, as well as Archive and Test User status.
- Note that these fields are edited by the contact. (See Opt Out Commands to learn more.) You can manually opt a contact in or out if necessary.
- Default fields: edit the contact's language preference (See Multi-Language), CRM ID, Enrollment ID, and other standard fields.
- Custom fields: edit any custom fields created in the Contact Fields Manager
- Click Show # empty fields to view fields with no value set for this contact.
- Click the (-) button to clear the value of a field.
- Note that these fields have type validation; that is, a warning will appear when trying to save an invalid value (such as letters in a number field).
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