While many partners already have a list of known contact records for their SMS communication, many others use Mainstay as a form of lead generation, where unknown learners provide some information and "opt in" to receiving messages. It's certainly possible to create an external sign-up form and then import those contacts through a manual CSV upload or an integration; it's also possible use Mainstay web-chat to collect information and create multi-channel contacts. Hello Pages offer an even simpler option: a direct sign-up form.
Public Page
A learner visiting this page will enter their name, phone, and any other fields the institution needs, then consent to receive text messages. After submitting the form, Mainstay will create a new contact and send an introductory campaign script. The page can also have custom text and graphics, and will live at a custom URL path. It can also be embedded as an <iframe> into another webpage.
Page Manager
Navigate to the Settings section, then click Hello Pages. Here you will see a list of your configured Hello Pages, with the following columns:
- Name: The title for this page, which is visible in the browser window/tab.
- URL: The public URL. All Hello Pages will begin with "https://hello.mainstay.com/" and then use a unique custom path.
- Opt-ins: The number of visitors who successfully submitted the sign-up form.
- Last Modified: The date of the last edit to the configuration.
- Status: Whether the page is publicly accessible or not.
The ... overflow menu also contains several useful actions:
- Edit: Open the configuration page to view and update settings.
- Delete: Delete this configuration, if you're no longer using it. This is permanent.
- Duplicate: Create a new Hello Page with the same configuration. (The URL path will be slightly different.)
- View Report: Open the report page for the introductory campaign script, if there is one.
The Hello Page is highly customizable, with options separated into several sections.
Page Info
- Title: The HTML <title> of this page, which appears in the browser window/tab.
URL: All Hello Pages will begin with "https://hello.mainstay.com/", followed by a unique custom path. We recommend something short and memorable, such as the name of your bot/mascot or institution abbreviation.
- Note: if you embed the Hello Page as an <iframe> within a page on your website, then this direct URL path doesn't matter.
- Published: If the page is not published, then visiting the URL will surface a 404: not found error.
- Icon: Optionally include an icon or banner in the top-left of the rendered page. This image must be a png, jpg, gif, or svg.
- Form Header: Optionally include header text above the form. This will appear in a large font.
- Form Description: Optionally include description text above the form. This will appear in a normal font, and can include links and emoji.
- Form Image: Optionally include an image or infographic to the right of the form fields on the rendered page. This image must be a png, jpg, gif, or svg.
Form Fields
When a user submits the form, Mainstay will create a new contact record in your institution. This section determines what values that contact record will have for standard and custom fields.
- Use the (+) button to add a field to the list.
- Use the (-) button to remove a field from the list. (First Name, Last Name, and Phone cannot be removed.)
- Use the drag handler to reorder fields.
There are two types of fields:
User Fields: These fields will appear to the page visitor so they can enter values directly.
- Name: This is the user-facing name for this field. For example, maybe you are saving to the "Phone" field, but you want to display it as "Cell Phone Number".
- Field: Select a standard field or custom contact field to save the data to.
- Default Value: Optionally set a default value for this field. The user will be able to edit this value. (Note: you cannot set a default value for First Name, Last Name, or Phone.)
- Required: Optionally prevent the user from submitting the form without first entering a value for this field. (Note: you cannot make First Name, Last Name, or Phone not required.)
Hidden Fields: These fields will not appear on the page, so visitors cannot edit the values. This is useful for setting fixed values for everyone who visits the page, or capturing information from URL query parameters.
- Name: If you intend to capture values from query parameters, this is where you name those parameters. For example, if you link to your Hello Page from both Facebook and Instagram, maybe you would have the link on Facebook to end with ?source=facebook and the link from Instagram to end with ?source=instagram. If you add a hidden field named "source" then this value will be captured automatically.
- Field: Select a custom contact field to save the data to.
- Default Value: Optionally set a default value for this hidden field. Unlike the user fields, the user will not be able to edit this. However, it can be overwritten by a URL query parameter.
Opt-in Flow
- Consent Text: Users are required to check a box confirming that they consent to receive text messages. You can customize this consent message, such as by including links to your institution's privacy policy.
- Confirmation Message: After successfully submitting the form, users will see a confirmation message pop-up. You can customize this message, such as by setting expectations for the introductory campaign script or providing a list of next steps, including links to other resources.
Intro Script: When the form is successfully submitted, optionally trigger an intro script to send to the newly created contact's phone number.
- In some cases, you may choose to not set an Intro Script. For example, if you are collecting sign-ups at an event, maybe you'll schedule a campaign to all new contacts the next day, or maybe your staff is reaching out to new sign-ups via Live Chat.
After users sign up on a Hello Page, they will generally receive an introductory campaign script. Like web-chat intros, you can view and download reporting on recipients. The list view includes the following columns:
- Campaign: The name of the Hello Page, followed by a description with a link to the public Hello Page and an indication of whether this is its currently active introductory campaign script.
- Type: Nudge | Interactive (whether the script contains any questions for the learner)
- Sent: The number of contacts who have received this intro.
- Last Sent: The date of the most recently sent intro.
To view more details for a specific introductory campaign script:
- From the Campaigns page's Hello Pages section, find the relevant entry and click that row.
- OR, from the Hello Page list, click the ... overflow menu, and then View Report.
Aggregate Report
This tab displays information about the introductory campaign:
- Recipients: the Hello Page title, as link to the configuration page
- Type: Nudge | Interactive
- Script: name of intro script
- Trigger: "Hello page form submission”
- Sent: # learners who have received this script
- Duration: # days before script expires
- Responded: if Interactive, the % of learners who answered 1+ questions
- Aggregate Campaign Engagement: This donut chart indicates the number of contacts in each "bucket", based on whether they received and responded to messages. (See Campaign Insights.)
- Survey Results: For interactive intros, this section indicates all questions asked and the % of responses for each option (for multi-choice and yes/no questions) or a list of all responses (for open-text prompts).
- Export Results: Choose "All Time" or a specific time range, then indicate which fields to include in the CSV download of campaign recipients.
This tab indicates the script that the learners were sent, including a link to its Script Builder page.
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